Soulful Cacao Mylk

I drink chocolate mylk for breakfast. And it feels like I’m finally adulting right.

Firstly, it is the ultimate manifestation of my inner child’s desire for comfort, happiness and independence. The best of being an adult together with the joy of childhood.

Secondly, it is actually good for you when you make it with the good stuff.

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Understanding the Cacao Experience

There is only one way to know

I adopted this habit a few years ago after reading about the prolific health benefits of pure raw cacao. What started as an interest in cacao ceremonies led me down the rabbit hole of what cacao is about chemically, energetically & spiritually. 

I was very skeptical about cacao ceremonies when I first heard about them back in 2018, I mean c’mon, it’s just chocolate! 

Initially I had written off the effects of cacao to suggestibility. An experience of altered consciousness precipitated through ceremony, movement and intention. Like ecstatic dance or the healing dance of the San people in Southern Africa, where you can feel magic swirl around the edges of your vision as the healers shake in trance to see beyond the physical.

So I tried for myself without the ceremony.

With a bit of research it became clear it had to raw cacao, preferably the paste. I managed to get my hands on a local brand and started with a smaller dose, intended for daily consumption. Into the blender it went together with some other nourishing ingredients like maca, honey & spices. Frothy drink in hand, I took my first sip. It was obviously delicious, but nothing different from any other chocolate drinks I had had before.

Thirty minutes later though, I found myself taking bigger breaths and releasing big audible sighs of relief. My eyes felt somehow more awake and my body wanted to move like a cat stretching. There was a sensation of energy rushing through my body, centering to and from to the heart. I had so many feelings that I wanted to share & talk about. Then I just started giggling as the truth of that experience dawned on me.

Since then I have fallen in love with cacao, which is not surprising as it is considered a medicine that works in the realm of the heart.

The Magic in the Beans

So how does cacao do all that?

Raw cacao contains a bunch of beneficial compounds from vitamins, minerals (it is loaded with magnesium) and antioxidants. In fact, it has the highest amount of naturally occurring antioxidants of any food source known!

In addition to being a general health supplement basically, it also has more complex phytochemicals that have a profound effect on your awareness and how you feel. Notably it has phenylethylamine (PEA) and anandamide (ananda in sanskrit means bliss), both of which work on the neuro-receptors in your brain to make you feel happier and more content. This is what has earned it the title as medicine of the heart. Uhm, yes please. 

Cacao also contains theobromine, which is a stimulant similar to caffeine. This means it also has an energizing effect, so it may keep you awake at night if consumed late in the day.

Cacao is considered psychoactive, but not psychedelic or mind altering. Meaning you can drive or even work heavy machinery if that is your thing.


Cacao can be great tonic for people who get the blues, but please exercise caution if you are on antidepressants. Perhaps do a little more research and check with your doctor first, as raw cacao may interfere with certain medications, especially MOAI’s or SSRI’s. If you suffer from intense anxiety, also limit the amount of cacao you take.

People who have heart problems or high blood pressure want to exercise caution as well, since cacao has an impact on the circulatory system. 

It is also recommended that you do not take large doses of raw cacao regularly during pregnancy. Some compounds can affect the development of the nervous system in the fetus.

Overconsumption of cacao can also lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness or heart palpitations. Cacao works a diuretic so it is important to stay hydrated.

In the end there is no hard or fast rule, it all comes down to how much you consume, which we will dig into more below.

Spirit of Cacao

All plant medicines & allies have unique characteristics or personalities. Cacao is like a loving, wise mother or grandmother with a joyful twinkle in her eye and a tendency to tell it like it is. She is perceptive and knows what you need to heal. Sometimes that may be a warm embrace and sometimes a gentle rap on the knuckles. This energetic aspect is called Cacaocita, the spirit of cacao.

Cacao creates an heightened emotional state where we feel things more deeply & vividly than we do just going on with our day to day. It brings your feelings to the surface. Knowing this, you can work with Cacaocita to deepen special experiences that you want to savor. Or she can help you feel your way through things that you would otherwise repress or ignore. 

For this reason I find it a great healing tool, especially taking smaller doses more regularly with intention.

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Choosing The Good Stuff

As I have mentioned before, not all cacao is created equal and what you buy in the shops as chocolate (even dark chocolate) is not what you are looking for. Especially not the cocoa powder you buy to make cake with, as it has been heated and alkalized to make it milder. Essentially stripping it of all the good stuff. 

All the magic is to be found in the raw unheated product of which the paste is superior. Cacao paste is the ground up beans which consists of both the cacao solids and the cacao butter; is the easiest to use and kindest to the body. 

You also find raw cacao powder which means the cacao butter has been removed. It does have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, but I find it leaves me jittery. 

Here are two of my favorite suppliers for raw ethically sourced cacao paste from Bali. Zero affiliation, just appreciation for all the love & handwritten notes.

South Africa/Namibia – Cape Cacao

EuropeCacaomo Cacao

How Much to Use?

Cacao ceremonies use a big dose of raw cacao paste to create an intense euphoric effect, but I find for daily use it’s not ideal. So you can scale it back to enjoy the sense of vitality without feeling like you want to swing from the trees when you are supposed to at work.

For Ceremony – 25 to 45 grams per person

Daily Tonic – 10 to 20 grams per person

Cacao affects everyone differently. Some people are very sensitive, while for others it’s just a tasty beverage with little to no effect. It’s hard to say what exactly is the reason for this, but it can be related to how much coffee you normally consume and are used to OR your body’s ability to break down the compounds in the cacao. It is a good idea to introduce yourself to this heart medicine slowly over a period of time to get an accurate sense of how it lands in your body & spirit.

Please be mindful that cacao is habit forming (theobromine being similar to caffeine) and for this reason I drink it every other day or on days when I need a mental and emotional boost.

Making Your Own Elixirs

Below you can download my e-book to get you started on making your own cacao elixirs. From very simple straight forward everyday to something more magical for your own home ceremonies. These are my own recipes that I have created over the years to tend to my heart in all its different expressions. 

In it you will find:

  • 6 Cacao Elixir Recipes for different occasions
  • Guidelines for preparing a ceremonial space
  • Tips on how to conduct ceremonies for yourself
  • Journaling exercise to use in a home ceremony
Picture of Liezl Hoving
Liezl Hoving

Knowledge + Practice = Magick

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